
Grinding mill SP3

The grinding mill consists of hopper, grinding chamber and barrel, where the crush is gathered. There can be the grinding output on the mill adjusted, the riddles and the hammers easy replaced and the hammers can be turned for multiple usage.
After the grinding the barrel full with the crush can be easy manipulated or through an empty one replaced.
The motor of 3 kW / 2800 1/min. offers sufficient grinding output.

The load of the grinding mill: 200 - 300 kg / hour.
The weight: 98 kg


Rollers Cambridge, mounted

Jsou určeny na zpevnění a utužení půdy, rozrušování půdního škraloupu, drcení hrud, omezení vlivu větrné eroze, zajišťují optimální podmínky a vlhkost půdy.
Splňují nejvyšší požadavky zemědělců na povrchovou úpravu půdy. Jsou vyřešeny tak, aby stále kopírovaly terén a nerovnosti pozemku. Tím se dosahuje rovnoměrného zhutnění v celém záběru.
Skládání umožňuje bezpečný transport.
Kola válců jsou nasunuty na hřídeli a ta je uložena v kuličkových ližiscích s krytím proti prachu.


Rollers Cambridge, mounted

The rollers are intended for hardening and pressing of the ground, deterioration of the ground crust, crushing of the clods and limiting the influence of the wind erosion. They provide the best ground conditions and the optimal humidity.
They meet the highest requirements of the farmers for the ground treatment. They are designed to copy constantly the terrain and its possible roughness. Thus an equable hardening is attained in the whole working engagement.
The assembling of the machine provides secure transport.


Special grinding mill MK2

The mill is an outstanding helper for rapid and easy preparation of food for all races of the livestock. It grinds perfectly the corn, barley, rye, oats, pea, maize and other crops.

The grinding mill consists of a hopper with fluent control of the load, grinding chamber and of a barrel, which is independent of the grinding mill.

A great advantage of the grinding mill MK2 is:

• the possibility to grind in more barrels by mere displacement of the grinding mill from one barrel to other
• the dust-free operation thanks the aerating bag



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